Friday, July 16, 2010

Breakfast at Tiffany's

Amelia & I watched Breakfast at Tiffany's the other day and while Holly's character is quirky & kind of crazy she is still the epitome of chic! My life would be complete (I'd like to think) if supplemented with a few items inspired by the film...

A basic khaki trench similar to the one Holly wears like this Tommy Hilfiger one!

A gold signet ring - I saw this in Lucky a few years ago and have loved it ever since. I could get it monogrammed at Tiffany's!

A fun sleeping mask! Like the one Holly wears!

A perfect coral lipstick to go with everything. I love the new Chanel Rouge Coco colors for fall!

An orange tabby named "Cat"

My very own George Peppard...Ed Westick will do just fine : )

And of course a fabulous kiss in the rain - wearing my trench coat and holding my cat! One can dream...right?


ameliaclaire said...

"You could always tell what kind of a person a man thinks you are by the earrings he gives you. I must say, the mind reels"


Jill Turner said...

Love it! I want all of this (besides Cat!)

richelle jean said...

ahh that sleeping mask is soo adorable. thank you for these awesome images!

tar said...

uh hey kristina! its charlie, it's been so long...i honestly didnt even look at what your blogs about i just wanted to follow it bc you're the author!